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Historical Commission Meeting Minutes 6-11-2014

 Newbury Historical Commission Meeting Minutes – 6/11/14 – page 1 of 2.

A regular monthly meeting of the Newbury Historical Commission was held at the Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm Visitor’s Center on Wednesday, June 11, 2014. This was the first of our new 7:00 meetings and the meeting was called to order at 7:06 PM.
All Members were present: Chris Drelich, Lon Hachmeister, Channing Howard,
Nancy Thurlow, and Sue Nagle.
All Associate Members were present: Jan Forrest and Eva Jackman.
In addition, Caleb Noble, Town Media Director, joined us for a portion of the meeting to make a presentation (see New Business #2).
The minutes of the May 2014 meeting were presented. A MOTION was made by Chris Drelich to accept the minutes as presented. The motion carried with a unanimous vote.
We are at the end of the fiscal year. The General Fund money will be going away on June 30th but the Gift Fund and Special Article Fund will remain where they are.
As of June 11, 2014 General Fund $18.80
Gift Fund $1,640.78
Special Article Fund $6,068.50
Total $7,728.08
1. Proposed Demolition Delay Bylaw
The final details of the Proposed Demolition Delay Bylaw were discussed at length. Each member had the opportunity to weigh in and together we came to a consensus on the final wording of the bylaw. Chris will now write up a final version for an official vote of the HC at our next meeting in July.
2. “Special Municipal Employee” Update
Channing presented copies of letters to the State Ethics Commission designating members of the Historical Commission (and many other elected and appointed positions) as “Special Municipal Employees.” Although we appear on the list, Channing wants to continue to explore whether we fall under the legal protection of the town, like the selectmen do.
1. Rack Cards Advertising Schoolhouse
We discussed the possibility of having 4” x 9” rack cards printed giving information on the Schoolhouse. These could be helpful in places like the Cushing House Museum, Spencer-Peirce-Little Farm Visitor’s Center, Newburyport Visitor’s Center, etc. Chris will draft up a prototype for the next meeting. Newbury Historical Commission Meeting Minutes – 6/11/14 – page 2 of 2.

2. History Roundtables
Although we have informally discussed lecture series and presentations in the past, new life was given to the idea when Caleb Noble joined us to help. Caleb wants to interview and film long-time residents about various topics pertinent to the town’s history. Chris then proposed the idea of a “roundtable” session, in which the public would share information in a forum. The roundtable could be filmed and also would give Caleb a sense of who might be a good candidate for a more in-depth interview at some point.
Much discussion was held on potential people who would be invited, topics to consider, and how to schedule the series.
We came up with the following topics for roundtable discussions:
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